Toxic work environment

How do you get out of consulting projects that you don't like without burning bridges? The partner and senior manager are pals so no point escalating to anyone in the team.

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DXC Technology ojAJ36 Aug 9, 2019

Ask. Explain how it is negatively impacting the quality of your life, assuming that's the case. Most people will understand, especially if they value you.

Deloitte HIkv75 Aug 9, 2019

Hi, I’m sorry to hear that. In my experience, it is better to just have a F2F conversation about your career goals, your contributions and learnings so far and next steps for your professional development. Tell them that you are happy to look for and train the replacement so that there is no impact to the client. I’ve tried this approach thrice and succeeded only once. I quit PwC since they weren’t respectful of my career concerns. I’ve found Deloitte to be more acceptable of changes so you should be good 😊

Infosys usinfosys Aug 9, 2019

Be firm about your ask, and flexible around transition. Ask early and don’t leave it till your patience is running low . Life is more than work ; career is bigger than a project . If your bosses don’t like that , they are not the right bosses in the long term.

KPMG LTFJ11 Aug 9, 2019

Talk to them and be firm with how it’s impacting you

Deloitte QaaJ46 Aug 9, 2019

Only real way to do it is to find another project that is "better" and sell it as a career move. Timing it right is also important. I don't think talking it out will really work out that well.

Deloitte NOvd32 OP Aug 13, 2019

That's the eventual goal. But at the same time, leaving projects mid-way is not the best way either.

Deloitte w2industry Aug 9, 2019

What's your designation?

Slalom Consulting Girthy Aug 9, 2019

You need to be upfront/honest and let them know it's affecting work life, goals, negative health impact etc. And you can work towards an end point. I can't speak to how it is at Deloitte but at our firm we take it quite seriously so I would think Deloitte is not far off.

Deloitte w2industry Aug 9, 2019

People here proud themself in boasting that they can work with 5-6hours sleep ;-(

Slalom Consulting Girthy Aug 9, 2019

Eek yeah thats not good

Deloitte uAag27 Aug 10, 2019

Boo hoo! I’m sorry to burst your bubble but dealing with toxic environments is part of the consultant job description. Unfortunately there is a lot of that in our profession. You should do a good job and weather the storm. Asking to leave a project is never a good move, you get labeled as the quitter. You are not staffed on that project forever, probably there is a roll-off date, so make sure you survive till that date.

Deloitte w2industry Aug 10, 2019

Well I agree that's a norm...but working in the industry for more than a decade I realized it's a norm in some top firms and there are also smaller and midsize firms with much better work life balance...finally it boils down to individual leaders ..making effort to make it better and consultants to not accept it as a norm but as an exception..burnt out employees are not good in the longer run.

Deloitte NOvd32 OP Aug 13, 2019

Well I don't think I have been living in a bubble during my 5+ years in Consulting. Maybe I was lucky but I have always had leaders who are excellent at what they do and also listen to you. The challenge here is not work life balance or too much work. It is in fact the opposite situation where the SM is too controlling and keeps all information to himself, doesnt collaborate or delegate well and I have started feeling like I am not learning anything new or being as productive. Was just looking for views on what people have done in similar situations!

Deloitte Helfrich Aug 12, 2019

Dan here and I disagree with you @uaAg77

Deloitte uAag27 Aug 12, 2019

Sure, and what’s your suggestion? Elaborate, provide action points, etc

Deloitte Helfrich Aug 14, 2019

Network for better opportunities then prepare for someone to take over from you then leave to the new project. Get your coach involved if you have to and have everything in email. Email me if you need to talk more. You can find me via Skype by 'Helfrich'.

PwC bHXa81 Aug 13, 2019

Its best to have a face to face conversation internally with the partner or director. Make sure you communicate on why the project May not be best for you e.g. travel, careers goals, learning etc.

Deloitte NOvd32 OP Aug 13, 2019

I disagree with uAag27 too. But face to face communication is not going to work due to the personal friendship between the SM and Director

Deloitte uAag27 Aug 13, 2019

Unfortunately you can’t get out of a project just because your feelings are hurt or accusing the project environment as “toxic”. This last one could have serious implications for the partner. And your take on toxic may not consider all the client dynamics behind the scenes that you will never see. You sure can try to negotiate your way out of the project by peddling to another partner in another project, but can you pull that? Nobody will roll you off from a project into the bench unless you have serious performance issues.