Tech IndustryJun 12, 2019
Intelpeekaboo 👻

Transition from support engineer to SDE

My job title is “software engineer”, but role is supporting/enabling tier-1 customers at Intel platform. Zero coding done in last 2 years (except few small automation projects in bash. ) Now I am thinking to start interviewing for sde role due to better sde job opportunities and good salary. Though I learned a lot in past two years by working closely with customers and collaborating cross-division, but I am not sure whether my this experience will be counted while interviewing for sde role. So my questions are: 1. If I perform good in my coding interview, will hiring manager still hesitate to pick me? 2. My current role helped me see bigger picture and made me better engineer. But since I was not coding, should I apply for junior role? More Background info: I have CS degree and worked for about 2.5 years as a sde. Then 2 years in my current role. So I have total 4.5 yoe.

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Bloomberg YUNOSlayer Jun 12, 2019

Yeah why did you ever take that support role?? You will have to spin those two years hard in any interview ...

Intel peekaboo 👻 OP Jun 12, 2019

Due to family and geo preference reason.

Splunk chitoor Jun 12, 2019

It's very difficult. I am in similar position . Development managers don't value this job. I am in similar position for two years and I am finding it very hard to sell this job.

Microsoft tard Jun 13, 2019

Find a dev role at intel internally, then after a year or so, jump ship. This worked for me. I was in support role at intel due to family reasons.