Tech IndustrySep 24, 2019

Uber, how are things after the layoff?

How are things going after the layoff? Any changes in hiring and compensation? Anything changed about the culture? Maybe more focused on projects that affect profitablity. Is weekly hours increased due to covering for laid off employees.

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Amazon sooaa Sep 24, 2019

Products that affect profitability =/= Uber’s business model

Uber theRealBag Sep 24, 2019

As spoken by an Uber employee. Oh wait. Fuck off. Products that affect profitability is a key goal now.

Amazon sooaa Sep 24, 2019

A key goal is different than THE key goal. THE key goal has always been staying afloat until autonomous driving is a reality

Deloitte cero Sep 24, 2019

also is there any variation in different groups? ie uber eats

Uber 一一”@ Sep 24, 2019

Same old! I am still shocked about some people that were laid off, but everything is business as usual

Uber 2muchblind Sep 24, 2019

I actually think the layoffs affected the company in a positive way, lots of middle management removed which was a little scary at first but I’m beginning to see the benefits. Lots of rest and vesters were laid off too (despite claiming to have high performance). Ultimately it reminded everyone to stop focusing on promo packets and instead do impactful work. People are hustling a little harder now which is good to see. Weekly hours haven’t increased too much, definitely not 80 hours a week or anything, but I do think the prioritization is better. Maybe I’m just an eternal optimist. 🤷‍♂️

Uber basket Sep 24, 2019


Cruise Automation c++4me Sep 24, 2019

How’s profitability looking? Uber Eats/Freight the new AWS?

Google LyLs67 Sep 24, 2019

Uber eats is a money pit deeper than ride sharing

Uber vwhF75 Sep 24, 2019

I'm personally seeing more hustle in my org. Prior Uber was a bit too chill

Uber dffeadsk Sep 24, 2019

We are actually functioning better.

Uber 一一”@ Sep 24, 2019

Plot twist! Thuanos is the OP!