CompensationFeb 22, 2019
AppleI’m a PC

Ugh jealousy

Just saw a former classmate post about a brand new Benz he just bought for his mom. How TF do you have that kind of money coming from MS and working at a startup? I took a class with this guy and he was a total windbag. Talked a lot but didn’t get any shit done. I can see how this could fly in sales but not engineering. Wtf am I doing wrong...

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Snapchat mmmMMMmmk Feb 22, 2019

You’re wrong, talkers who code just a little bit can go really far in corporate world.

Apple I’m a PC OP Feb 22, 2019

But why??

PayPal bugfix Feb 22, 2019

Cause management can't see though the shit or they have some implicit shitty reasons.

Intel movaxbx Feb 22, 2019

Probably still talking up the bs

Bloomberg the1 Feb 22, 2019

Car loan? Don't fret buddy.

VMware vLol Feb 22, 2019

I mean the dude could have statistically 0 savings and retirement like most people

Pandora usbwOandbz Feb 22, 2019

Easy to explain: No 401k contribution, no HSA contribution, saving up alll the money just to buy the expensive car so he can post on Facebook while getting his first job out of college. So all the money after taxes goes straight up in apartment rent and the expensive car. Cuz YOLO

Apple I’m a PC OP Feb 22, 2019

And here I am dumping money into my 401k and ESPP like a chump

Pandora usbwOandbz Feb 22, 2019

Same here dude. Been doing 401k max, HSA max, ESPP and riding a 10+ year old car for the past 3 years like a pro. Got to set priorities straight up

Tesla HQkV78 Feb 22, 2019

Focus on yourself man. I know it’s easier said than done, but wishing your enemies success beyond what you have is the only way to peace of mind.

Tesla Ogar9 Feb 22, 2019

Dang y’all, all I have is company equity. I need to get my shit in check

Microsoft desidude Feb 22, 2019

There are a lot of things to feel jealous of, but someone having a better car isn't one. It's one of those things that cost a lot, but give you hardly any real happiness.

Pandora ctiv08 Feb 22, 2019

Envy is a "beach" 😉 instead of calling him names you should call him for career counseling.

PayPal cgwqbk Feb 22, 2019

Befriend them if you can't compete them!

Cruise Automation whatisav Feb 22, 2019

0% down 2% interest for 60 months. Easy for any engineering new hire.