Tech IndustryMar 10, 2019

Want a Leetcode buddy in Seattle?

Hey all; I am looking for a leet code buddy(s) with whom I can practice leetcode problems, discuss em on whiteboard and just keep each other accountable. The accountable part and friendly competition is the most important reason,tbh. About me:- Seattle based Solved ~150 problems 18 months back, trying to refresh my lc skills. I found out that, I am not really good as before and it's actually embarrassing. Indian guy, if that helps. So, if that sounds good to you, shoot a dm or comment here! Thanks 😁 160k, 2yoe

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Activision Blizzard others Mar 10, 2019

Tc and YOE

Wells Fargo gyut Mar 10, 2019

Are you a leetcode god? Test question: what’s the time and space complexity for subsequence palindrome string?

Microsoft GOD!! OP Mar 10, 2019

I guess o(n^2), for both with the dp matrix soln

Wells Fargo gyut Mar 10, 2019

You are right leetcode god..

Rubrik PartyStick Mar 10, 2019

Hit me up

melonymusk Mar 10, 2019

Racist much!

Microsoft GOD!! OP Mar 10, 2019

I specified Indian guy, to keep away the hate; looks like it works

Goldman Sachs abcdeaa Mar 10, 2019

Let me know if you are fine with Skype πŸ˜€

Google Mar 11, 2019

If you need a β€œbuddy”, then you are not motivated enough.

Microsoft GOD!! OP Mar 11, 2019

Motivation is shit. There's no right way. If something works , it works

Amazon snot Mar 11, 2019

Ive done over 400 problems on lc. Hit me up if you r interested