What Salary Can I Expect?

Pursuing two opportunities and no idea what salary to expect. One is a "Quant Analyst - Data Science" role wanting 1-5 years experience. Other is an AI/ML Software Developer building neural networks with Python and tensor flow wanting 2+ years of experience. Both in Philadelphia. Give you and idea about SEI - I'm a machine learning engineer with 2+ YoE making 65k tc so its definitely time to move on.

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Snapchat QaH7er3PxL Oct 25, 2019

Building neural networks with python and tensorflow is hot as shit, you can 10x your TC with experience in that.

SEI Investments Quanty OP Oct 25, 2019

Haha that's the goal but doubt they pay anything near that with only 2 YoE

Snapchat QaH7er3PxL Oct 25, 2019

That's a stretch but not a big stretch.

Tesla PlaidMode Oct 25, 2019

any proven model or strategy?

Oracle 50shydsCly Oct 25, 2019

The latter. You can thank me later

SEI Investments Quanty OP Oct 25, 2019

What do you mean? Are you saying I should accept the latter? I haven't received offers from either yet so not sure where I'll land but I'm optimistic about both.

Oracle 50shydsCly Oct 25, 2019

Yes accept the latter if you get an offer.