Misc.May 1, 2019

What are you grateful for today?

I am grateful that we have YouTube and Google search. I can find answers to most of the questions by just searching it. I can grow literally any skill by just watching YouTube videos. I can watch DIY videos to fix anything at home. Just compare this with people who born 50years back. They did not have anything.

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BAE Systems XWNE04 May 1, 2019

I’m grateful for Trump. MAGA 2020.

NullsBohr May 1, 2019

I'm grateful for Stack Overflow 🙏💯

BAE Systems XWNE04 May 1, 2019

Oh and Tinder

naSk83 May 1, 2019

I'm grateful for blind.

Google DocStrange May 1, 2019

I’m grateful for high TC.

Oracle not_larry May 1, 2019

Didn’t die in sleep. That’s something right?

LinkedIn ex-fb May 1, 2019

Tbh, dying in sleep is the best way to die

Microsoft dkenanx May 1, 2019

I am grateful I became a top contributor on blind today.

IBM anothrAnon May 1, 2019

I'm grateful for my university professors that were passionate about educating and empowered me to continue learning post graduation. I'm grateful for my first boss who gave me a chance even though I had 0 experience, and recognized my work. He took the time to take me aside and gave me hard yet productive criticisms that helped me grow as an engineer

Intuit Calculus May 1, 2019

Grateful that I'm healthy, have a roof over my head, good food to eat and people who love me. Peace.

Adobe Iwrk4RSU's May 1, 2019

Im alive today, feeling blessed.