Tech IndustryOct 4, 2019

What are you plans after being laid off?

My lay off notice period is ending soon and I've been getting rejected back to back by companies. I realize that I need take a step back, have a recollection of my experience working here, take a real vacation, improve my skills through LC, doing projects I want to work on, and doing mock interviews, and then start interviewing again around January 2020 by leveraging my network or you guys :) What are your plans after being laid off? TC: $100k -> $0k YOE: 2 Location: NYC

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Amazon JohnnyUta Oct 4, 2019

Fly to Palm Springs. Rent a car. Find some mushrooms. Drive to Joshua Tree. Eat mushrooms. Fear not. The rest will present itself. Be safe and have fun.

PewPew!! Oct 4, 2019

πŸ‘† wins

F_<k Oct 4, 2019

You can grind shrooms into powder and put them into gel capsules. Easy way to transport. Or find lsd and just put the papers in a book

givemefang Oct 4, 2019

Wow IBM lays off? I thought that was like a good long term company to stay at

Oracle 3kL1n Oct 4, 2019

Big old companies have legacy teams that they cut whole now and again. No reason to continue pushing obsolete products

Comcast wKYh52 Oct 4, 2019

IBM has been loosing money every quarter for past 28 quarters that I know of... Tis was only a matter of time

Oracle Sockets Oct 4, 2019

Good plan. Dont try to force your way back into another job. Take some time to brush up on your skill set, set up a few interview burners and go from there.

VFx061 Oct 4, 2019

I think you have 2 choices: if you are flexible location wise and not too picky, you can get a new job soon in an average company. If you are more picky and can afford not working some time, take it easy, have some vacations and prepare interviews targeting better companies. Good luck

Amazon fish# Oct 4, 2019

I plan to relax and spend the money I have earned these years

Okta Ironman14 Oct 4, 2019

Take a shorter break now(preferably to a sunny location), then come back, work hard and get a job. Once you get an offer you can always adjust the join date and take another break to start fresh in the new job. Once this phase will pass, someday in the future you might be having a nice laugh thinking about it. Things always work out in the end. Don't worry it will all turn out for the better.

E*Trade cbEV72 Oct 4, 2019

Vacation while unemployed is not fun, waste of time. Get an offer first

Oracle Sockets Oct 4, 2019

Depends on your financials. If you have no debt and sitting on a lot of savings.. And you can still study while on vacation

xoogler420 Oct 4, 2019

this just seems like escapism.... OP work on your resume interview leetcode make small changes to your resume, and send different resumes to different companies - one of them will bite. also lower your standards - you're in a crappy spot at the moment, take what you can get, even if lower TC, you can always switch after a year (or even less than a year in some cases).

Oracle pzd Oct 4, 2019

What's your skillset OP?

Apple TWB-gold Oct 4, 2019

I recommend improving your skills by reading text books and taking classes in addition to leet code. There is a lot more to software engineering than just solving algorithms problems quickly. There are tons of frameworks and tools and skills you could be learning too

Zillow Group The Troll Oct 4, 2019

If you where a Seattle I will buy you a drink my friend.