
What do yall do for other income?

TC $165k Should I: - focus my free time on leetcode and trying to double my salary in 2-3 years. - invest in real estate flips. I used to do this before and made $15k-$30k per house. Could only find the time to do 2 houses per year max, though, and that was super stressful/time consuming - live in flips, buy, fix, sell every two years, profit - try to build a side project SaaS - none of the above, fuck it all, just index funds, 401k match and buy a used Porsche in 10 years

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HasanMinaj Oct 19, 2019

I would just live my life. Porsche alone isn't life! Driving a 20 year old car but spending two months in Bhutan or getting lost in the nested street's of Netherlands is.

Tinamou OP Oct 19, 2019

I feel ya. Sometimes I wonder if more money will really make me happier. I’m already well traveled and can appreciate living in the moment. However, been thinking about kids in the near future so making more money is top of mind recently.

HasanMinaj Oct 19, 2019

My father is a modest man. He could only afford to put me in a public school. He told me thats all he could afford. I remember I havd zero birthday cakes. Occasionally he brings us some big box shop cake when feel like partying. He saved all of his money towards our college tuition. My sister used some of it however I was able to top the school and get a full scholarship ride. That put me into a great company for a headstart which leaded to series of events. The conclusion is the kids don't need your money, they need your guidance. They will figure out how to make it when they need it. You should think from the perspective that if you were to die today, have I had my life.

agencylife Oct 19, 2019

I advise friends startups on technical things. Product advice and high level process/architecture. Brings in maybe an extra $50k per gig. Just have one right now. They usually don’t last more than a year though 😒 All my side projects tend to get abandoned. Part time doesn’t seem to be enough to make a useful or popular thing. Wish I had the balls to do real estate but I have commitment issues and remain mostly liquid.

Tinamou OP Oct 19, 2019

Real estate is scary the first time. Then you make bank on a project and wanna keep going. What sort of background do you need to be able to get advising gigs at $50k/pop?

agencylife Oct 19, 2019

I’ve worked in a few high profile startups so people think I know some secret. It’s all referrals from past founders or agency clients to their friends starting up a doomed business. So- no background, just referrals from being some odd link in a startup network.

Square 83gd58zn Oct 19, 2019

Sell ur body

Amazon WHhl64 Oct 19, 2019

and soul

Square dti57(hu Oct 19, 2019

There there

Hulu CgDlJ64709 Oct 19, 2019

All of the above

Facebook facebooks Oct 19, 2019

Leetcode until it’s instinctive and then join faang. You’ll get $300k+ and then will have to worry less.