Misc.Jan 7, 2019

What income level is “Upper Class”?

Let’s say for a family of 4 in high COL areas like SF/NYC

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b37 Jan 7, 2019

Under $100k. If you are blind to all the convenience store workers, janitors, secretaries, garbagemen, train station attendants, and others than make up the vast majority of the population but make nowhere near $100k, start paying attention to them. There but for the grace of God goes your high-earning self.

Facebook public2 Jan 7, 2019

Uh janitors in the bay make way more than 100k. 117k is the poverty line. Here's a janitor who famously made 270k back when it was considered unusual in 2015: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjZ_M60ut3fAhXrHDQIHTZLB2sQzPwBegQIARAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftime.com%2F4555692%2Fsan-francisco-bart-janitor-salary%2F&psig=AOvVaw1w4KLpJU1pJO8KiacD9-CG&ust=1547011860677334

Facebook wknhuakw OP Jan 7, 2019

That’s wild

Facebook sjNd44 Jan 7, 2019

House north of $3m, kids schools and other activities including summer camp for two $120k. New cars every few years of about 150k. Leisure vacations at least 50k. You do the math.

Microsoft Tier 1 Jan 7, 2019

In SF? Definitely something in the 7 figures.

Google Bluths Jan 7, 2019

Upper class doesn’t really have income levels. It has wealth.

Amazon lvd11 Jan 7, 2019

Yeah it's wealth. I would say in the US you are upper class if you have a net worth of 100 million or above. Less than that and you don't move in the circles that we think of as upper class. You might be able to make a case for a "lower upper class" starting around 20 million net worth, which is what you need to enjoy a 1% income without working. But without 100 million you won't have the influence in the country that the phrase "upper class" connotes. Want a gut test? If you can't afford to buy a private jet on an impulse you aren't upper class. If owning you own TV station is beyond your means you are not upper class. If you don't have enough money to bankroll a major political campaign you sir are not upper class. I don't think people appreciate just how rich the wealthy people in America actually are.

Collective Health makeMeKing Jan 7, 2019

This is absurd. Anyone with ten million is upper class. Beyond that you can break it down into probably three more groups. But don’t act like ten million in networth is some how middle class.

Amazon lvd11 Jan 7, 2019

Maybe in India, in America you need to add a zero to that to be upper class.

me2you. Jan 7, 2019

True upper class is born upper class whose game is to compete on how well they can preserve it than growing it. Also, new money can't buy proper grooming since birth....see utube interview of Evelyn De Rothschild

Google JBuilds Jan 8, 2019

You’re considered upper class if you make twice the median income for the area that you live in. Simple as that. There’s adjustments for size of household and other factors. If you want to find out if you’re considered upper class then look at the data for the state/city that you live in. Now there are people who are classified upper class by income but we wouldn’t consider them upper class because they’ve probably made poor financial choices. So this question that OP posted is more opinion based. Different people have different perceptions of what it takes to be considered “upper class”.

Amazon lvd11 Jan 8, 2019

Not even close