Tech IndustryJun 13, 2019

What is "Google Launchpad Mentor"? Do you need to be technically good to be one?

I've seen a guy from my old school written on his LinkedIn profile that he's a Google Launchpad Mentor (whatever that is) and next to it, he wrote that Google is his employer. I'm suspicious. Do they get money from Google? Does this have any prestige being a launchpad mentor? Do you also have to go through an interview process to become one? Can you tell later on that you worked for Google? Edit: just read: - it's volunteer position - spend time between 0-5 hours per month (ok...) - Google says mentors are not affiliated with them and the mentors are fully responsible for what they do Can anyone confirm this?

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LinkedIn ctheg Jun 14, 2019

Looks like some BS but gotta stop worrying about other people my dude