RelationshipsJul 9, 2019

What would you do?

Garage is full so gf parked outside. She left a bunch of snacks in the floor of the backseat. Mouse got into car and half-ate all the snacks, then bailed. We disagree on the next logical step. If parking in the garage isn't an option for now, what makes the most sense to do? TC 320

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Google चाचा चौधरी Jul 9, 2019

Get a competing gf offer and see if she counters with a better option?

LaCroix!! Jul 9, 2019

Pretty much the only logical thing to do.

Google singl4ever Jul 9, 2019


TuneIn WsvF24 Jul 9, 2019

You should hire a cat

Nvidia btfd OP Jul 9, 2019

Can't afford the pet license 🐈

Dell zxbP57 Jul 9, 2019

Don’t leave anything of value or food in your car.

Nvidia bdei51 Jul 9, 2019

Let me guess, you want to keep the spot and not leave snacks in the car, and gf wants you to pay to park in the garage?

Amazon broke&dumb Jul 9, 2019

Of course, because he'll be the one who'll actually be spending the money, whatever of it is left after she's bought her 100th boots and 50th handbag with his money, so that the rats can eat the snacks in his car comfortably in the shed of the garage.

Nvidia btfd OP Jul 9, 2019

God, is that you? 😭

Amazon broke&dumb Jul 9, 2019

I wish at least one girl in the world was right about anything at least once in the history of the universe. Please. Girls. It's as if you wanna be wrong.

Tesla siwndnisb Jul 9, 2019

Don’t eat junk or your ass will be bigger than Kim’s.

Nvidia bdei51 Jul 9, 2019

Why don't you just put your snacks in a Ziploc or plastic box?

Nvidia btfd OP Jul 9, 2019

Mice don't play. Maybe a metal snack box? Does Coach make one that she'll like? 😭 whoooooooo Jul 9, 2019

Dude! The only "logical" step is you should park outside instead :P

Expedia tritan Jul 9, 2019

Attach one of those wooden owl statues on the hood.....will scare away the mice

LinkedIn Wiener Jul 9, 2019

Do what your GF asks you to do so you can have sex.

Nvidia btfd OP Jul 9, 2019
