Misc.Dec 10, 2018

What's your evening routine?

What do you do when you get home? I cook dinner then plop down and watch some Netflix, pretty lame. Maybe some wine.

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Google PtDB88 Dec 10, 2018

Watch Netflix and chill? Seems a nice evening for a dev then?

Dropbox drl/food OP Dec 10, 2018

It's not terrible. Gets old after a while.

Starbucks bakedbread Dec 10, 2018

Cook dinner video games after

Twitter Yabby Dec 10, 2018

U still play video games? How old r u son?

Starbucks bakedbread Dec 10, 2018

You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my real dad!

tLFu71 Dec 10, 2018

Do a fitness class 5x week, go to dinner with friends from class/gf/or on my own and watch tv / do laundry.

Verizon I’mNotSure Dec 10, 2018

U plop your dick onto your salami stick

Conduent sushiroll Dec 10, 2018

End my day/come home. Make a cocktail or pour some wine. Make dinner. Do some reading or watch a show or movie. Pass out at like 8:30 because adulting is hard.

Amazon PAxv45 Dec 10, 2018

have dinner that my wife prepared, take doggy and kiddo out for 20 min, spend time with family pretty spontaneously and then go to bed around 10pm.

Google 🌲 fiddy Dec 10, 2018

Dinner w gf, gym, shower, computer for a bit (work, news, side project), have sex, sleep

Twitter Yabby Dec 10, 2018

Sex every day??

DigitalOcean Asdf26 Dec 10, 2018

Yea. Dude said he hits the gym and showers. Women like men that take care of themselves.

Twitter Yabby Dec 10, 2018

U cook dinner every day? Doesn’t that get tiring? Who does the dishes?

Dropbox drl/food OP Dec 10, 2018

I've got a dish washer. She's hot.

Conduent sushiroll Dec 10, 2018

I do. Cooking is relaxing for me. It’s something I enjoy. Dishes are just part of the deal. Sometimes my husband will do them. But he does the laundry, which is not my favorite chore, so I’m happy with that.

IBM bbWI22 Dec 10, 2018

Walk my dog, make decaf Nescafé

LinkedIn @fb Dec 10, 2018

Dinner, LEETCODE, sleep

Microsoft gfsfn Dec 10, 2018

if your TC is already top range, what’s the point of leetcoding? Even G/F can’t offer much of a bump.

LinkedIn @fb Dec 11, 2018

Want to see what offers look like in the market. Yes LC is painful tho.