Tech IndustryJan 24, 2019

Which company’s interview is difficult to crack?

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Oracle aink3 Jan 24, 2019

it is mostly dependent on the level

Amazon peodnch Jan 24, 2019

Googles process is waaaay long but Airbnb is a much harder interview because it’s not just functional it’s also very heavy mission and culture interviews. Been through both.

TKpg12 Jan 25, 2019

Interesting. What makes the mission and culture interviews tough? I understand that you can't just coast through them, but I assumed you're fine as long as you're reasonably articulate and personable, with a decent grasp of Airbnb's business.

Amazon peodnch Jan 25, 2019

Great question. There is supposedly no write or wrong answer for those and I had 3 of those interviews. They get real deep and sometimes personal in answers. There’s really no way to know how you did on them and/or why they were inclined or not which makes them tough. I just know that they take their mission and values very seriously and those interviews usually trip up what would otherwise be a very qualified and articulate candidate like myself.

Oath Leetcoder! Jan 24, 2019

Snap was the one hardest

Facebook pipirupiru Jan 24, 2019

Jane Street and MemSQL

eBay drbhe Jan 24, 2019

2 sigma

Paychex cout Jan 24, 2019

Netflix is the hardest.

Apple cho Chang Jan 25, 2019

It’s team dependent

Facebook jamesons Jan 25, 2019

Netflix is definitely tough. All "senior" engineers with no rigorous training.

Microsoft Micr0s0ft Jan 24, 2019


ViaSat 11111110 Jan 24, 2019

Two sigma is hard because even if you pass the morning technical you still don’t know what the afternoon managers want.

Reddit syzygies Jan 24, 2019

Depends a lot on which interviewers you get and which role

OwjS77 Jan 25, 2019

I got fucked in my 2s interviews whereas did reasonably well in others.