PoliticsAug 22, 2018

Why Ember.js?

Linkedin folks out there.... Why Ember.js? Is it due to technical reason? Or more like politics and act of dictatorship by biased leadership? Where are the free will? (...jk...)

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Uber obv Aug 22, 2018

No reason to use Ember.js nowadays

Yahoo Dumbdumb OP Aug 22, 2018

This guy fucks spot on 🤣

Proofpoint Q🐔🐥 Aug 22, 2018

I had same question. It’s a mess.... reacts is present and web components is future. LinkedIn technology stack is too old. I was reached by LinkedIn recruiter multiple time to work on ember.

Yahoo Dumbdumb OP Aug 22, 2018

I wouldn’t push toward a specific library but at least give a good reason....linkedin stack seemed old to me too

Vistaprint 🤢gal Aug 22, 2018

Same reason why any company is still using old tech.

Uber Jfyv57 Aug 22, 2018

Always heard that the creator of LinkedIn was good friends with the guy who created Ember

Uber Jfyv57 Aug 22, 2018

I assume they use it still today because its so ingrained and would be expensive to remove

Yahoo Dumbdumb OP Aug 22, 2018

True. Many ember core members there. Read their engr blog about ember, very opinionated.

Oath [object Aug 22, 2018

Well, I’m a big fan of Ember. Turned down by LinkedIn even though I have years of Ember experience. AMA

Yahoo Dumbdumb OP Aug 22, 2018

When was that? And why Ember over others?

Oath [object Aug 22, 2018

Just a few months ago. Pulled big favor for the referral. Interview talked nothing about Ember. I’m guessing Ember experience is not a factor for consideration. For large and complex apps that have years of lifetime and can’t afford a rewrite, Ember had been around for that long. “Stability without stagnation” is more than marketing terms, it’s reality. Ghost started with Ember and just recently released 2.0 and apparently they are up to date with Ember 3. There are a few where I consider to be the killer feature of Ember. 1) The Ember CLI ecosystem. An Ember addon is more than just another library, it’s an entire build pipeline. S3 Deployment and PWA are all just one install away. 2) The Ember object model. Vue has some of these, but Ember has it at a much more generic level. Computed property makes state management a breeze, and they are generic enough you can build your own class with it. You’re welcome to drop by the Yahoo Ember slack channel to say hello.

LinkedIn HokageSama Aug 24, 2018

There’s a big doc on our wiki explaining why they picked Ember over other frameworks. This was back in 2012 and it kinda made sense cos all they wanted was stability. That said they seemed short sighted not considering how fast frontend in general evolves. PS: I hate ember and working on our products is fucking pain in the ass.

Oath [object Aug 24, 2018

What’s the specific pain point?