PoliticsMar 18, 2019

Why doesn’t blind allow open conversation.

Why does blind allow flagging. Why should someone’s freedom of speech be revoked If some people don’t like the post? Isn’t it enough the post is truthful?

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Flagged by the community.
Pegasystems ATrefler Mar 18, 2019


xbHI35 OP Mar 18, 2019

Ok flag for irrelevance should be allowed!

Pegasystems ATrefler Mar 18, 2019

People would rather censor than to let others judge for themselves

B0ngzilla Mar 18, 2019

Hi Alan?

Pegasystems ATrefler Mar 18, 2019

Hi. 1:1 me chess?

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Amazon aosixjbee9 Mar 18, 2019

This is pretty cool

Microsoft pJcW86 Mar 18, 2019

Do you feel this private built app is infringing on your rights? Do you want to infringe on their rights so you can exercise yours? High TC does not equal critical thinking.

B0ngzilla Mar 18, 2019

Opinions or comments don’t infringe on rights. There is no ‘right not to be offended.’ Rather than choosing what others can or cannot see, make fun of bad opinions, offer better opinions, or just move on. This idea of moderating opinions and perspectives you don’t like (read: that you don’t agree with) is preposterous, private company or not. While not as ubiquitous as FB, Reddit, YouTube, this is a public forum and should be treated as such.

Microsoft pJcW86 Mar 18, 2019

So I can go walk onto your house/property and post whatever I want or protest or whatever spam on your property? Based on how you defined public forum anything not enclosed on your property is a public forum.

Amazon tjpb67 Mar 18, 2019

I do think that perhaps the politics topic in particular should have a higher tolerance than other topics. This is naturally a place we expect to have disagreements unlike, say, the money topic or your company lounge, which are more about sharing information rather than debating. But here this politics topic is really all debate and what I see is some people flagging things just because they disagree with it. When India and Pakistan had their flare up there was a contingent of Indians who were going through and flagging every post that didn't promote the India government version of events. That was obnoxious. I see the same thing happening with some other "hot" topics where people are getting flagged just because others don't have the same political view. So maybe just this topic should allow a bit more free wheeling than elsewhere on blind. After all people who don't want to debate politics can always just not read this topic, whereas maybe we should be a bit tougher in other topics where some people just want to come and get some info and not have trolls bother them.

ohhimark Mar 18, 2019

Why do you hate Blind’s free speech smh

xbHI35 OP Mar 18, 2019

You mean, organizations are people too?

ohhimark Mar 18, 2019

Per Citizens United, yes

Oath xxxcd Mar 18, 2019

When will people understand that free speech is not consequence free speech. I’ll put it this way. The fact that you are even allowed to submit a post, is free speech. Nobody can infringe on that right. Nobody can cut your fingers so you can’t type. Now, after you submit your post, people decides to flag it and your post gets removed. This is the consequence of your speech. Nobody prevented you from making it. Just nobody liked what you said. Another example, if someone threatens you, therefore prevents you from making the speech, that is also infringing on your free speech. Free speech is about what happens before you make the speech, not after.

xbHI35 OP Mar 18, 2019

Obstruction of free speech happen after a person spoke his mind not before. So ur logic doesn’t make sense. You deleting my post is obstruction of free speech. If u don’t like it u ignore it. For eg, if me and my friends are talking in middle of the street and I u happen to hear what we talk and don’t like it, u move away. You don’t bring a barrier in between us to block us from hearing each other. Here you are blocking people with my views from seeing my post. It is obstruction.

Oath xxxcd Mar 18, 2019

If you and your friend called me racial slurs that I don’t like, I am free to beat the shit out of you. I’ll be charged with assault, but I’ll never be charged on infringement of free speech. You can cry and whine like a snowflake all you want, but you still can’t charge me infringing on your free speech. That’s not how the law work.

Google s92fqy Mar 18, 2019

It's not a freedom of speech thing as much as willful ignorance and fragility. The report button is not a "disagreement" button, but certain people (mis)treat it as such.

Amazon tjpb67 Mar 18, 2019

It's really just in the politics topic that it's an issue. Elsewhere it's a good mechanism for beating down trolls. But here because we all disagree with each other it gets abused.

IBM ttest Mar 18, 2019

Because if there is no moderation, the app will start looking like 4chan. If that’s your cup of tea, why don’t you just go to 4chan? I think the moderation here is pretty fair. I see controversial topics stay up all the time, as long as there are no insults or calls to violence. Try having a political discussion on hacker news if you think Blind is too censored and see how it goes

xbHI35 OP Mar 18, 2019

Let me layout some foundation here. Our legal system has established some rules to have a valid debate on any problem. Fo example, you can object based on irrelevance, speculation, hearsay, badgering etc. you can use all that here to have a healthy conversation. But u can object just because u don’t like what u hear, even in court. That’s what we should do here. I have been in hacker news. They are horrible. They have money to get away with it. But that’s no excuse for others to follow their path.

Cisco SLmG30 Mar 24, 2019

This is not the justice system (which is a monopoly by the way where there is no consumer choice) This is a private company trying to make money. They have a responsibility to create a community that people want to be a part of. You seem really keen on telling Blind what it can and cannot do with the app. they've created with their own investments. Instead of trying to take their freedom to do what they want with their own platform away, You are welcome to do the hard work of making a competing app to create the moderation experience you desire. If it's so superior, then it will clearly win in the free market, right? Unless that's not actually what people want, and then why would Blind do something that would make it post users?

T-Mobile WozniAK Mar 18, 2019

Why shud blind turn into Facebook? With insecure people asking the world about Indian politics/ surgical strikes/ Modi vs Rahul etc makes me sick. My advice to such ppl, there are enuf ways to discover the truth and do that instead of trying to ask people or forums who don’t care about your problems.