CompensationJul 19, 2019

Why is saying “I make X, I will consider a minimum TC of Y” a poor negotiation strategy?

If you truly won’t accept less than Y and are willing to walk, and if you already have a high TC (X) it shows you’re not trying to shake them down. I told a recruiter a very narrow band of what my current TC is. They said to me, “I would stay in that role as long as possible”, given my YOE and current city.

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Amazon cn227fh2m Jul 19, 2019

Saying your current TC limits you. For example: Company A is ok with offering 300k, but they ask what you're looking for. You say you currently make 120k at Company B. Well shit, now Company A only needs to offer you 200k to give you a substantial bump. You just potentially lost 100k.

Intuit a0j4c3 OP Jul 19, 2019

This example doesn’t seem realistic. How many people go from 120 to 300 in a single move?

Intuit a0j4c3 OP Jul 19, 2019

Dang that’s crazy

Intuit a0j4c3 OP Jul 19, 2019

I think my problem is that I talk to companies that don’t have the budget to pay past what I’m currently making and it ends up being a waste of my time. If I make 200 and I say I’ll only consider 275k minimum, most just don’t take me seriously. But they don’t know I make 200k. So the 275k seems contextless. That’s what I need help with.

Marvell kuuD23 Jul 19, 2019

Get their first numbers. Tell them its lower than your current. Then break it down like base can be substantially increased, RSUs are too low, adjust signon. Tell them competing offers are strong. Look at for company data if it exists, if not, then match with the best possible match and try to drive them towards that number. In the end, don't be too vague because it may come to that you'll have to spit out your current numbers if recruiter is not willing to budge. Moreover, they may just get disinterested.

Intuit a0j4c3 OP Jul 19, 2019

Most places seem disinterested once you say “that’s lower than what I currently make” but if that’s the correct strategy, I’ll stick to it.

Nvidia gruse Jul 19, 2019

Context matters

HBO Grunt_ Jul 19, 2019

If x and y are the same number it’s great. If x < y you’ll get them to meet you in the middle most of the time. Most should probably only say y and conceal x, unless they have a strong negotiating position.

Intuit a0j4c3 OP Jul 19, 2019

I wouldn’t take a new job without a pay raise. There’s always risk. The new job could be not enjoyable

Salesforce benimeoff Jul 20, 2019

This only talk to them in terms of what you want, dont let them know what you have. Just make sure what you want is reasonable and you are fine not getting the position if they cant offer it.

Coinbase idothings Jul 19, 2019

I’m assuming by recruiter you mean an external search recruiter, and not an internal search recruiter. I would look at alternative recruiting resources or just reach out to companies directly. Recruiters get up to 25% commission of your TC and I don’t always feel like they’re negotiating for you as much as they care about their commission. I’m just not a fan, but be mindful that .. that happens. They work for them, not for you. Doesn’t matter what they tell you otherwise, it’s their paycheck too.

Intuit a0j4c3 OP Jul 19, 2019

Yup I meant external