Telecom IndustryAug 26, 2019

Will Cellular Antennas cause property value to drop?

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Ring aXrq35 Aug 26, 2019

Looking for an answer.

T-Mobile p30sf3hz Aug 26, 2019

Street lights are things people had to get used to...

T-Mobile EKVe82 Aug 27, 2019

And telephone poles

T-Mobile p30sf3hz Aug 27, 2019

Could you agine if they were trying to install telephone poles and wires all over the place for phone, internet, power, etc? People would rise up, fight it, and go back in caves.

Zayo CoffeeBro Aug 27, 2019

Just get it on *your* property and charge the telecom company an annual rent. My company pays thousands of these. Old people in Texas making an extra bundle for doing literally nothing.

Verizon 8BitGuy Aug 27, 2019

No you can market as microwave included with zero electric bill, you can also covert that microwave energy for usage.

Zillow Group CXCz47 Sep 6, 2019

Have been in RE for years. It’s a perception thing. If it is basically in the backyard and/or obtrusive, it will probably be a drag on price since max price is predicated on people buying your quickly.

REI neverland Sep 7, 2019

My HOA got exorbitant amounts offered by TMO to place a tower on our property. Due to my own spectacular personal hatred toward the company & being on the board, I got them talked out of it. I live literally down the street from them and you can't get a signal from them in my house. So long as I live here they will never be welcome. Public perception is that they put out radiation & would lower the property value & resell value. I just can't stomach that.

T-Mobile p30sf3hz Sep 7, 2019


Facebook _Dumpster Sep 26, 2019

And people are stupid enough to buy property with no internet/cellular coverage?