CompensationMay 31, 2019

With the stock market down, what is going on at Google?

I left Google earlier this year as I was really unhappy with my comp falling for a second year in row (despite high ratings and praise from the managers). I recall people at Google being pretty vocal and our VP saying they recognize the problem and looking for a way to deal with it. Now I see my Google holdings losing value and I wonder what do people think/say about their comp dropping. Are there any changes happening, like increasing ratio of the base? TC: 475k I’m tagging Facebook as well, I understand they also rely on RSUs for comp.

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Pinterest PinFirst May 31, 2019

Would you be ok with companies docking pay for every bug you introduce or every wrong decision you make? Or reducing your holdings when the stock price goes up? Indicating that companies should increase comp because stocks have gone down is an asinine statement. If you agree to pay cuts when your comp goes up then maybe it makes sense for companies to make you whole if comp goes down

Netflix nflxos OP May 31, 2019

My current comp is isolated from stock market fluctuations. I believe this is how it should be. I can always buy stock if I want to, but I don’t want my comp be randomized.

Google ECyG30 May 31, 2019

nflxos, stocks are part of your TC and you should be prepared for them to fluctuate. This is what you agreed on when accepting the offer. You may loose or you may gain. That’s why you have base and stock part of TC.

Google modi_56 May 31, 2019

Why is the comp going down? Noogler here.

Netflix nflxos OP May 31, 2019

Basically, your comp at Google depends not on the stock price but on stock price _growth_ - if the stock price growth slows down, your comp will start falling as older grants get vested. I was lucky to join just before Ruth got hired so I benefited a lot from the stock price growth. As stock price stabilized, my TC started falling 7%/year.

Salesforce hypeforce May 31, 2019

But you get refreshers as well. right ? Unlike netflix

LeanTaaS ♥️ data May 31, 2019

Stock market is a Gamble. Why would you assume that it will always go high? You never raised concerns when the value of your RSU went up if you're planning to hold the stocks for a few years and as long as you're not selling today you should not worry about your compensation going up or down

Netflix nflxos OP May 31, 2019

At Google I was exposed to stock market against my will. And I am wondering if this is changing now.

Google ECyG30 May 31, 2019

Nflxos, you accepted the offer. That was your will lol

Amazon Yipp5 May 31, 2019

Dude, you're at $475 TC! Geeze. FWP.

🔥HODL🔥 May 31, 2019

Maybe he *was* underpaid at G.

Google modi_56 May 31, 2019

Wouldn't be surprised.

Google L7@AWS May 31, 2019

All competitive tech companies that I can think of besides Netflix offer a stock component. It is not isolated to just G and FB

Google L7@AWS May 31, 2019

I'm not familiar with Netflix comp so I might be wrong on that

Netflix nflxos OP May 31, 2019

At Netflix it is all cash. I don’t care what happens to stock. But my question is if the people are really unhappy now and if there are any changes. I might consider going back...

Roku gdhdhch May 31, 2019

Yeah stock pay is mostly bs. It's good you quit, actions like that drive pay up.

Google əๅɓoo⅁ May 31, 2019

The whole point of paying RSUs is that they only go up when the company is doing well. If they don’t, you are supposed to work harder, not ask for a raise.

Google modi_56 May 31, 2019

Thank you

Netflix nflxos OP May 31, 2019

How does it work when a trade war decreases the comp? I think, most Googlers did not even vote for Trump. Comp should only reflect your value to the company. Does Trump decrease your said value?

Microsoft tarasenko May 31, 2019

Lol are you just indirectly flexing your Netflix TC? Pointless question, because Netflix is the only top tier company to pay all cash.

Netflix nflxos OP May 31, 2019

There had been talk (since the last Googlegeist) when I was at Google that comp needs to be fixed. I am asking if anything particular is going on.

Google modi_56 May 31, 2019

Same this year.

Bain & Company uqRH20 May 31, 2019

Dude you make 475k