Tech IndustryAug 2, 2019

chewy onsite

I have an onsite at Chewy coming up, any information on how the interview day look like and what all I can expect from the interview for an Sr. Supply Chain Analyst? YOE - 4

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NVIDIA hotbatj Aug 2, 2019

I've never seen people be so excited about working for a dog website.

Wildling OP Aug 2, 2019

I know but it’s better than what I am doing today

NVIDIA nutmouth Aug 2, 2019

Get that 💰

Apple brolo Aug 2, 2019

Have an answer for why they are better than Amazon.

Bank of America Quacky Aug 2, 2019

A bunch of their csr people work in a lower floor in my building and they all have clear backpacks and go through metal dectors, but damn some of them are hott.

Wildling OP Aug 2, 2019

Are you from Dallas Bofa?

Bank of America Quacky Aug 2, 2019


Reddit 8ga6bb Aug 2, 2019

Wear a dog sweater to the interview