Misc.Nov 14, 2019

docker mirantis

anynone from Docker want to share the impact of partial sale to Mirantis? how does the new direction look like? if you are an early employee, did you lose significant value from your options/RSU?

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Instasize cplus Nov 14, 2019

The fact that this is gotten so little news coverage tells me it’s not super happy news inside docker

Microsoft Tier 1 Nov 14, 2019

How is what’s left of Docker possibly going to make any money?

VMware @vmw2 OP Nov 14, 2019

This was the indicator of the troubles. Now they have already changed CEO. CPO is becoming the CEO with some more funding: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/09/27/docker-is-trying-to-raise-money-following-arrival-of-ceo-rob-bearden.html

Docker sadd Nov 14, 2019

It's a layoff where Mirantis offered all current employees a job and got the IP practically for free. All shares got diluted to nothing, and all employees got screwed

VMware @vmw2 OP Nov 14, 2019

How is it lay-off if all employees got a Mirantis offer? Acqu-hire?

Docker sadd Nov 14, 2019

shitty offer, they are expected to quit

Docker tobymoby Nov 15, 2019

Scott, the new CEO of Docker made the calls. He chose most of the loyal employees who have been there for more than 3 years and effective contributors and put them in the new entity. They are being showered with 3 phases of rentention bonusses in cash. They are also getting new stock with a significant chunk of it in accelerated vesting. If there is a quick exit of this new Docker entity valued at less than 100 Mil over the next year, this set of employees stand to gain handsomely. The new folks (typically with less than 2 years at Docker) were shifted to Mirantis. They are not making anything on the vested Docker stock.

VMware @vmw2 OP Nov 15, 2019

Wow who ever knew. Some will be wishing they were neutral or close to Scott now. Scott has hired some seasoned PM leads as VPs recently. Are they the new team? Best wishes to you on whatever is next.

Docker l1l Nov 17, 2019

Lol — that’s not even close to how people were selected. Lots of the great devs who have been there >3 years got sold to Mirantis. The lines were mostly drawn around product and teams — all the devs working on the enterprise products go to Mirantis, some of the key open source people as well. And Scott didn’t make the decisions. An engineering director in Europe did. The new Docker is left with nothing of value except brand and some vague, unproven ideas.

VMware @vmw2 OP Nov 18, 2019

I do believe there is still an opportunity with Developers. Almost every kubernetes developer has Docker on their laptop!