Tech IndustryAug 16, 2019

linkedin staff or google L5?

I have preliminary acceptance for both LinkedIn at staff and google at “senior” L5. prelim meaning my packet is ready for HC but HC hasnt met yet. what are your thoughts on TC, WLB, long term prospects? my gut says G is the safer bet but more likely to be a cog in the machine. current tc: 315k yoe: 15

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Cisco àtîñłåÿ Aug 16, 2019

G probably better long term prospects because everyone thinks having that means something still, even though you are right cog in the machine. Both TCs will be close assuming G can come close to matching LI after initial lowball. Both great wlb probably 2 of the best in all of the bay

PayPal l33th4x0r OP Aug 16, 2019

Does G like to lowball initially? I had an early comp convo with the recruiter using numbers I’ve seen on and he really played it hard like he’d never seen numbers that high in all his life.

Facebook opissaying Aug 16, 2019

They do.

LinkedIn sanbil Aug 16, 2019

100% go to Google. LinkedIn is wannabe Google, might as well go for the real thing.

PayPal l33th4x0r OP Aug 16, 2019

Wannabe in what way?

LinkedIn sanbil Aug 16, 2019

Our commitment to craftsmanship, and scale, and hiring well can sometimes be skin deep. We talk about it a lot because it's not the standard. A lot of that stuff is just so standard at Google it fades into the background.

Apple bbbui Aug 16, 2019

G lowballs big time. Get ready for a long and painful negotiation where u r willing to walk away.

Cisco àtîñłåÿ Aug 16, 2019

I walked no problem after their embarrassing offer and they didn’t bother chasing either

Apple aaiqppr Aug 16, 2019

Where’d you end up? Im going thru this now and willing to walk. Lowballed with 25% than competing offer even after i gave them full proof of it lol.

Uber Melina Aug 16, 2019

Having worked at both, I would prefer LI a tad bit more over G. There is a remote possibility at Li that as a staff you may hold an important role since staff is a much wider band at Li, ie. Senior staff at LI > Staff (L6) at G. However the starting bar is probably even lower than G's L5, there are very immature 3 year out of college staffs at Li.

LinkedIn euro€ Aug 29, 2019

I witnessed 3 yrs NCG LI Staff. The guy is smart though. But with more and more less experienced Staff here, I’m worried that LI Staff title is a joke in Bay Area LOL