psychological warfare during interview

Do you deliberately give a solution that's suboptimal (though better than brute force) even though you have memorized a more optimal one, to avoid raising expectations in the mind of the interviewer in terms of future questions he may throw at you. Assuming the suboptimal solution is already quite decent and you understood very well. Example, recover binary search tree, which is leetcode number 99. The "straight forward" solution has space of o(n), while a solution using Morris traversal has o(1) space, same time complexity.

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Morgan Stanley fat&hairy Aug 18, 2018

You are over thinking this. In the end, they'll compare the best you came up with with what the others came up with

Uber Hcfdgb Aug 18, 2018

I don’t know why you would sabotage yourself like that. A suboptimal solution might be the difference between an offer or not.

Dollar Shave Club HcknGbsns Aug 18, 2018

I only come up with shitty answers to interview questions to avoid raising expectations. Probably why I still work here...

Box qyCC33 Aug 18, 2018

Sandbagging an interview? 🤔

Vertivco Fast Papua Aug 18, 2018

Since it's warfare, you need to go with dagger in tow.

Agilent Technologies m/z Aug 18, 2018

Why would you even MEMORIZE a solution? Just use your critical thinking and do the best you can provide. Memorizing a solution gives the employer false promise of their sense of your skills.

Facebook Dr. Dobbs Aug 19, 2018

Blind is full of people who want SWE jobs but can't write their own code, apparently.

Vertivco Fast Papua Aug 18, 2018

Turns out that critical thinking doesn't cut it in terms of going above the bar.

Uber meowimacat Aug 19, 2018

You should not be memorizing anyway tho...