Office LifeJul 20, 2019

pure storage culture

how is work culture at PSTG right now? In glassdoor reviews there are some mentions of people being fired after few months. Interesting to know how bad the situation is - whoever is currently employed, how many engineers you know were fired last 6 months? Was it fair, or was it politics related? tc 300k

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LinkedIn yakem Jul 20, 2019

TC? Also leetcode and aim higher

Jet gtfoorgtfo OP Jul 20, 2019

Updated TC

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Pure Storage lcApnMh Jul 21, 2019

In the last 6 month idk, but we’re a fairly big company now so you have to expect someone is always underperforming & that some places the politics aren’t so good. I don’t think this is representative of the company on average. We try to view ourselves as an engineering company but we have a lot of employees outside of engineering who are necessary for us to deliver on our commitments. Overall I think we have a fairly high rate of satisfaction in engineering so I tend to assume glassdoor/blind are a kind of selection bias. If we gave you an offer then you appeared competent to us so if I still haven’t chilled your concerns I would take a second to reflect on my skills if I was you & the demand for them as a whole.

Pure Storage ChangeA Jun 21, 2020

The engineering department seems stable while other areas like marketing and sales seems a huge mess and lost in silos and self-advanced people. The problem is that no company survives with engineers only.