40% of Amazonians: Improve Warehouse Working Conditions

Amazon is the largest e-commerce company in the US, with just under 50% of market share. To handle the ever-growing demand, the company employs more than 125,000 to work in their 75 fulfillment centers and 150 warehouses. But how are they treated? Employees have complained of being forced to skip bathroom breaks to keep their jobs, union-busting, and being written up for getting sick.

We decided to survey our community of tech employees and see what tech employees think about the working conditions of warehouse workers.

We asked users to answer one simple question: At your current company, should working conditions be improved for warehouse workers and other employees in labor-intensive roles? Participants could answer with ‘YES’, ‘NO’ or ‘I DON’T KNOW’ and a total of 4,397 answered the survey question.

Here’s what we found:

  • 28.84% answered with YES
  • 27.63% answered with NO
  • 43.53% answered with I DON’T KNOW


We also took a look at the results broken down by companies with at least 50 employee responses. Here’s what we found:

  • Amazon led the way with 40.14% of employees answering with YES.
  • Rounding out the top three were Walmart (with 28.57%) and Apple (with 22.86%).
  • Wayfair had the lowest percentage of employees answering with 11.54%.
  • The two other companies with the lowest percentage of employees answering with YES are eBay (with 11.76%) and Tesla Motors (with 15.09%).

More survey details:

The survey ran from Jan 5 through Jan 11, 2019, and was answered by 4,397 users of the Blind app. Users could only answer once.

More Amazon-related discussions on Blind

So, what do you think about the results? Tweet at us @teamblindapp and let us know!

About Blind
At Blind we’re on a mission to bring transparency to the workplace. Transparency results in voice and voice results in change, often for the better. That’s why we created Blind, an anonymous social network for the workplace. Our user base includes over 49,000 employees from Microsoft, 34,000 from Amazon, 13,000 from Google, 10,000 from Facebook, 9,000 from Uber, 8,000 from Apple, 6,000 from LinkedIn, and 5,000 from Salesforce, just to name a few. With such a large user base of tech professionals, it makes it easy to quickly poll these employees about important and popular topics, such as this.