40% of Tech Workers Experienced Workplace Retaliation

Unfortunately, retaliation is one of most common workplace discrimination claims in the United States. Employees who file complaints about inappropriate behavior in the workplace like sexual harassment or racial discrimination sometimes are subjected to punishment from their employers like being fired, demoted or being moved to different work teams. Employees have legal rights to file such complaints —  retaliating against them when they do is illegal.

In a single year, 2017, 84,254 workplace discrimination charges were filed with the EEOC, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Nearly half of them were retaliation charges. The second most common kind was race-related, followed by disability, sex and age-related charges. The EEOC also obtained $398 million in the same year for workplace victims.

Because retaliation is such a pressing issue in many workplaces across the country, we decided to survey thousands of tech employees who are on Blind. We asked this question:

At your current workplace, have you or your co-workers experienced retaliation by management or HR after reporting an incident? Yes or No.

The survey ran from March 3 – March 8, 2019 and there were 8,184 respondents. 39.69% selected the ‘Yes’ option and 60.31% selected ‘No’.

Employees from 17 companies responded. The company with the largest Yes rate was Booking.com with 64.%. In the second position was Pinterest with 60.61% answering in the affirmative. eBay and PayPal occupied the third position — both with 55.13 %. Lyft was next with 50% of its respondents selecting Yes. All of the rest of the companies including Microsoft, Nvidia, Amazon and Uber had a Yes rate below 50%.

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About Blind
At Blind we’re on a mission to bring transparency to the workplace. Transparency results in voice and voice results in change, often for the better. That’s why we created Blind, an anonymous social network for the workplace. Our user base includes over 50,000 employees from Microsoft, 35,000 from Amazon, 13,500 from Google, 10,500 from Facebook, 9,500 from Uber, 8,000 from Apple, 6,000 from LinkedIn, and 5,000 from Salesforce, just to name a few. With such a large user base of tech professionals, it makes it easy to quickly poll these employees about important and popular topics, such as this.