Best of Blind: June 2023

Best of Blind: June 2023

Welcome to the Best of Blind, a carefully curated collection of posts that embody the best of the community and its positive spirit. Whether it’s a heartening success story, an encouraging comment, or a discussion thread filled with valuable insights and career advice, we want to showcase the incredible ways the Blind community supports and uplifts one another.

Check out the Best of Blind, featuring posts from June 2023.

How do you find meaning in your life?

We’re starting this month in the deep end.

This verified NVIDIA professional expressed a desire to find more meaning in their life and asked the community how they find theirs.

Some of the answers offered were:

“Volunteer. You will find a cause. Join groups like Rubicon or Habitat for Humanity.”
“Find a hobby and join a community by going to meetups, sessions, and events around the hobby.”

Going to the office has changed my life

On a more positive note, there are some people who actually prefer and enjoy the work-in-office lifestyle. Believe it or not!

A verified professional shares their daily schedule and how they take advantage of their commute and office location. The community member remarks, “Staying at home had made me so depressed, lonely even [though] I was hanging out every weekend with my friends. Despite me being a quiet and shy person, talking to new people in [the] office or just seeing people every day has made me a lot happier person.”

Layoff – Opportunity

The Blind community is quite clever. This verified professional was able to turn a bad situation into an opportunity.

The professional had been laid off, but against even their own expectations, landed “a job [in a] better skill-fitting industry, [working on a] better product, [with] better pay”—all in only one month!

Check out their process:

  1. Redo my priorities
  2. Understand what got me laid off and not my colleagues
  3. Organize my outputs in numbers for clarity (“I linked my outputs to actual revenues.”)
  4. Ask my former colleagues to testify [to] my performance

I’ve finally made it 🥲

And finally, a classic Blind success story, which could inspire us all.