Work From Home Series: Managing Burnout

This week, we’re closing out our Work From Home series collaboration with an important topic: managing burnout. 

In addition to implementing a comprehensive WFH expense policy and addressing the needs of a hybrid workforce, employee burnout is undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges in our new normal; even more so is how companies are, or aren’t, addressing it. 

Per a previous Blind poll, 61% of employees across Fortune 500 companies were experiencing burnout last year. Now fueled by added workloads and fewer in-person interactions, the problem has continued to rise. As such, we decide to take a closer look at how companies finished out 2020 when it came to managing burnout. 

More than 3,140 employees were polled in early December 2020 about their companies efforts and the findings are as follows: 

    • Less than 15% of employees said their company has a plan in place to address employee burnout. 
    • 84% of employees polled don’t think their company is taking the necessary steps to address the issue 
  • When asked if they believe their company should allow employees to expense mental health and fitness subscriptions (ex: TalkSpace, Peloton, Aaptiv) as a way of combating burnout, 83% of employees said yes 
  • Meanwhile, 83% of employees expressed that it’s very important to them that their employer provide flexible working hours as a means to address employee burnout 

As mentioned in the first series on work perks, we at TravelBank have a WFH expense policy that empowers our team to invest in our surroundings – be it an Aaptiv membership, a smoothie delivery with DoorDash, or a succulent from Bloomscape. It’s truly made all the difference in adapting to our new normal. 

We also hosted a webinar with Brex, Fitbod, and Skyroam to hear how other teams are supporting their employees during this difficult time. We found that communication is pertinent to understanding the current challenges of employees, like burnout, and getting the feedback needed to address those challenges appropriately. Overall, the teams that adapted early are faring best, seeing limited drops in productivity, and getting more positive feedback from employees.

This post concludes our three-part WFH Series collaboration with Blind. We’re looking forward to the year ahead and how the workforce will be challenged this upcoming year. 

About Tiffany Mast 

Tiffany is the Director of Digital Marketing at TravelBank, the only expense and travel management company that can offer a complete, end-to-end solution including flexible corporate card management. To learn more about TravelBank visit

About Blind

Blind is a platform for change, encouraging transparency in corporate culture, and empowering employees to provide honest feedback about their workplace experiences anonymously actively. The daily dialogues and surveys on Blind provide unbiased, accurate insights on workplace matters.

Recently launched, Blind Hub is a provider of workplace intelligence and insights, helping companies drive their culture and improve employer branding. 

Together with Blind Hub data analysis tool, Blind will release monthly rankings, focusing on different aspects that attract and retain employees.

To learn more about Blind Hub, please visit


Blind ran this study between 12/07/2020-12/11/2020. The survey questions were opened to our in-app users.