Tech IndustryDec 25, 2018

APM program @google?

I am interested in applying to the APM program at Google, and I am wondering what the interview process like. I don't have much interviewing experience and it would helpful be if anyone has any tips for PM job interviews at Google, Facebook and Lyft

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Intel geezz Dec 25, 2018


Intel FeedMe2017 OP Dec 25, 2018

Geez what?

Facebook NunyaBizNe Dec 25, 2018

Ex McKinsey is the easiest path

Intel FeedMe2017 OP Dec 25, 2018

Do they have similar rotational programs for recent grads?

Oath OPnd70 Dec 25, 2018

Don’t get it. Why is this the easiest path?

Intel (⌐■_■) Dec 25, 2018

Usually APMs come from top CS feeder schools. And they've managed to do some prior internship at Google during their Bachelors.

Intel FeedMe2017 OP Dec 26, 2018

I have a BS and MS in EE from one of the top 10 universities in the USA. I am fully aware that APM at Google in particular is kind of geared towards CS students, and I know someone in the program from my school. However, I think I am more than qualified for it given my background and work experience at Intel

Intel headsonfyr Dec 28, 2018

APM program used to be traditionally geared towards new grads AFAIK. Anyhow, if you feel you're a good fit, no harm in applying.