Tech IndustryDec 16, 2019

Advice for new grad (SWE) who is jobless

Hello fellow Blinders, I graduated last Friday 12/13/19, and made the change from wanting to be a doctor to wanting to be a SWE at the beginning of my senior year of college. I am a Bioinformatics and Computer Science graduate, currently just working on leetcode, learning off of YouTube, and working a minimum wage job to pay for expenses. I'm completely independent and don't have any familial help so I'm reaching out to this online community for advice and someone who would even help me out with mentorship (if they wanted too). Aside from Leetcode, what else should I be doing? I don't have friends in big FANG companies but it's my personal dream. It will be an homage to myself if I can make this possible. Looking forward to reading what y'all have to say. And any referrals would be appreciated. TC: $12/hour

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MongoDB mongod Dec 16, 2019

Make projects. Doesn’t have to be too big but anything you can talk about during an interview as it will be hard to get interviews otherwise if recruiters don’t see any relevant skills on ur resume. Good luck to you!!

fallgrad19 OP Dec 16, 2019

Ok, have some good ones from uni on there. Published two papers from my research assistantship for Bioinformatics which was very much geared for med school.

Amazon bsQD34 Dec 16, 2019

Go to meetups and network

aWei7 Dec 16, 2019

It's way easier to get referrals now with sites like Rooftop slushie. I would recommend trying out all the free options first though.