Tech IndustryNov 21, 2019

Advice for self taught 0 - 100 LC

Any advice for those who are self taught and wants to become a leetcode expert? Any specific courses/books in order? Right now im going through a bunch of codewars to become better at python and problem solving. After, ill go through Princetons algos coursera part 1 & 2, then Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena (book and youtube course), then Leetcode + CTCI and EPI TC: 48k YOE: less than a year

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Amazon 4j(v5c2j# Nov 21, 2019

Self thought engineer here. Robert Sedgwick's Algorithms part 1 and 2 Lots of Leetcode. Start at easy, and do some harder ones. Work your way up. Designing data intensive algorithms Of course, I had 6 years of professional experience before I joined Amazon TC $220k

gg7jc OP Nov 21, 2019

Thanks! What was your approach for LC at first? Right now for codewars, if I can’t solve it, I look at the best solution then try to solve it again using that solution by memory

Amazon 4j(v5c2j# Nov 22, 2019

I honestly sucked at it - hard. Until I took the Sedgwick course. I tried to solve it through sheer will power. If it took me 8 hours to solve a problem, then that's what it took. You start developing problem solving patterns, and it gets easier. Not sure if that's the best approach though. Works for me

Salesforce peaceguy Nov 21, 2019

Read topcoder articles on algorithms and DS and study their practice problems They are the best material. For a sample, read Topcoder article on Binary Search. Let me know if you did not feel the goosebumps.

gg7jc OP Nov 21, 2019

Is there a link to this? I’m not able to find it

Citadel BrutеForce Nov 21, 2019

MIT CS course on YouTube

VMware jyoC60 Nov 21, 2019

Follow a standard textbook like cormen. Learn a topic then solve the problems related to that topic on leetcode or Hackerrank. If you are struck on a problem then look at the editorial and then try to solve it. Start with standard problems to grasp the basic concepts. Codesignal has a good collection standard problems. An addon to cormen can be Algorithms book by Jeff E. The dynamic programming and graphs portion is really well explained in that book and has a lot of examples.

gg7jc OP Nov 21, 2019

I like this approach. Learn the topic in a book then solve the problems on LC. Then continue with next topic. First time hearing about it. Thanks!

Amazon zOQP72 Nov 21, 2019

Just consistently solve algos everyday that are just above your level. Think about them whenever you have time like on the bus or in the shower. Once you've solved around 1-200 it'll start clicking. 3-400 you should be able to land a FANG job. 600+ you'll start getting multiple good offers and top bucket salary. You'll also be able to solve competitive programming problems and algos should be pretty fun for you now It is slow to ramp up but eventually you'll solve multiple problems a day easily.

gg7jc OP Nov 21, 2019

I hope this happens! I’m going through codewars but will probably just start LC’ing to start hammering my brain and have things click

Apple 🐒codemonk Nov 21, 2019

Was thinking about them during sex last time and I cum intensively hard