Tech IndustryJan 22, 2020

Airbnb Cross Functional Interview

How difficult are these interviews? How high is the fail/success rate here at this stage? What might cause someone to fail? To succeed? Have one in a few weeks. TC 90 YOE 12

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Chainalysis apath Jan 22, 2020

What might cause you to fail? Not being chinese.

🎂🍨B-Days OP Jan 22, 2020

Ok.. well I'm not Chinese, and I've gotten through the rounds so far.. so probably not that.

Cruise Automation (800) Jan 22, 2020

FYI, I didn't meet any Chinese interviewers @this round.

Airbnb yAWQ Jan 24, 2020

Read through the core values beforehand and try to really understand them. There’s nothing else to be worried about. If you’re a good fit for the company it will be easy and possibly fun.

🎂🍨B-Days OP Jan 24, 2020

Thank you!

Airbnb AirEveryWr Jan 26, 2020

It’s not related to skills needed for your job. Most CV interviewers wouldn’t look at your resume so that there isn’t any bias. They will solely check your answers based on Airbnb core values. When I interviewed with Airbnb , I didn’t know about what Airbnb core values are or what to expect in this round . I just told them truthful stories from my past and that worked. I would suggest to read on Airbnb core values. Think about your personal or professional life experience relating to them; and then share that with your interviewer . Most of the people passes this round. I generally passes 90% of the candidates.

🎂🍨B-Days OP Jan 26, 2020

Thank you!