Tech IndustryMay 15, 2019

Am I screwed if I apply to companies using LinkedIn/career website?

Essentially, I have no good connections to SD/LA/SF/Seattle which is where I’m targeting. Went to a decent state school, and work at a decent company for 2 years. Sort of nervous that I won’t get any call backs without having referrals. I already sent out applications to some companies, I’m targeting any bigger tech company, but really I’d just like to get out of the defense now. LC stats: 90 easy, 60 med, 2 hard What do you think? Am I going to get callbacks? What else should I do since majority of my free time is consumed by LeetCode and other forms of study?

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Capital One yVjt53 May 15, 2019

Best advice is to just apply and apply and apply. You’re not going to get a ton of responses so you need to play the numbers game.

Facebook esketitt May 15, 2019

Yes you are scewed

TuneIn WsvF24 May 15, 2019

Who cares about your ‘LC stats’ LOL You screwed of you think it’s important

Pariveda Solutions eKSe66 May 15, 2019

Update your LinkedIn profile so it’s basically your resume. Find the company’s recruiters on LinkedIn and reach out to them. You’ll get quicker feedback that way. If they tell you to go apply online it means they’re probably not interested in you. If they set up a call, you’re on your way.

Microsoft Rhino May 15, 2019

Mostly yes.. i got 1 call in 3 years based on this approach