Tech IndustryDec 24, 2019

Amazon: Do LP stories have to be strictly professional?

Prepping for Amazon onsite. Have quite a few LP stories lined up, but there's minor overlap. Its really hard to keep one story confined to one LP. Anyway, I was wondering, is it required that these stories be strictly confined to my professional life? Could I have stories related to tech but from my side projects or hobbies? I'm also a bit DIY type of person, while its completely unrelated to the job, i think it shows some side of my personality that are worth mentioning. Should I bring them up? Also, unrelated questions, anyone have a good source for LP explanation? Some or most of them really resonate with me and I can come up with a few examples in my life. But some are so weirdly worded that I'm just blank. So I've started wondering if its just bad writing, my really bad comprehension or whether I'm really empty inside when it comes to these few LPs. e.g. Are right, a lot: I mean yeah I get the point, but I feel it could have been worded better.

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beebeegee Dec 24, 2019

I think it is fine to talk about tech side projects or if you have activities like playing sports or volunteer work but I probably wouldn’t go too far beyond those topics. Best to stick to stories that can be applicable to work whether by topic or transferable skills. There are also a couple LPs that you probably won’t get asked about so much (I would be surprised if you get asked Are Right, A Lot). Questions tend to center on the main LPs “customer obsession, dive deep, etc...”, and if you are a manager, maybe something like “hire and develop the best”

貧乏 OP Dec 24, 2019

Thanks, this is an IC role, ive never managed people, so yeah was struggling with hire and develop the best. I have many thoughts about that one but no concrete examples.

beebeegee Dec 24, 2019

How many YOE? I would guess that you won’t get asked hire and develop the best if you are an IC role and a few years of YOE, might get asked still if you are a more senior IC. Even if you have not hired anyone, you can probably tell a story about helping someone else out or teaching something (the development angle)

貧乏 OP Dec 24, 2019

12 yoe. Yeah lots of mentoring interns who transitioned to be great employees later.