Tech IndustryJan 29, 2020

Amazon Onsite

I have an Amazon onsite coming up, particularly what are the whiteboarding Q’s focused on? DP? I know a few will be OOD and System Design but wanted to know what else to review. TIA #onsite

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TriNet JEfX23 Jan 29, 2020

Try doing the explore section for Amazon. That'll help.

Amazon readme.q Jan 29, 2020

Graph , stack , heap , traversing, intelligent use of hashmap , complexity of various search functions on different data structures Kind of the usual

Google ABC-CEO Jan 29, 2020

It's all about the LPs you know.

Amazon readme.q Jan 29, 2020

No doubt that lps are about 40% and can fail an interview straight up, but the coding questions are solid My l6 loop was harder than my google experience.

Google ABC-CEO Jan 29, 2020

Tell me about the time when you were Curious and wanted to Learn, by Deep Diving the logs to debug an issue, but your Obsession with Customers required you to be Bias for Action, and so you had to take Ownership of another task and worked hard to Deliver Results that Customer was looking for, during which you also Insisted on the Highest Standards and asked manager for more time to complete the unit tests, but you had to Disagree and Commit and went straight to production by Inventing and Simplifying the deployment config to bypass gamma stage, thus causing high sev2 for months and had to quickly Hired and Develop the Best people (that Frugality would allow) to work on the on-calls, all the while still manage to show that you were Thinking Big and Earn the Trust of your manager despite causing so much workload for the rest of the team. Looking back do you think you were Right A Lot?

Facebook publicstat OP Jan 29, 2020

I agree, thanks for the insight. My recruiter said this will be for SDEI or II so I wasn’t sure the level of rigor to expect (half LeetCode Med, half LeetCode Hard vs all LeetCode Hard level problems)

Amazon readme.q Jan 29, 2020

The main difference will be the ambiguity and expecting to ask questions and talk about alternatives for l5 L4 is considerably easier If you have pulse and some experience you’re prob good 😂