Tech IndustryJan 15, 2019
Goldman Sachshotchkiss

Amazon SDE Internship Final Round

I’ve got a final round interview for Amazon SDE internship. It’s a 45 minute video interview. Anyone got any tips / guidance for me? What sorts of questions do they ask? Any help would be appreciated.

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Cerner Nani!!? Jan 15, 2019

Practice leetcode easy/ medium on arrays, strings, linked lists and trees

eyiK84 Jan 15, 2019

Stop leetcoding and focus on Leadership principles The Leetcode question would bd pretty easy if you had done decent number of LC problems but focus heavily on their LP.Make up a bull shit story for each of their LP and make sure you can answer follow up qsns for every BS story you come up with. And code preferably in java and not python. All the best and hope you get the offer

Amazon ayyyyy Jan 15, 2019

Do people seriously struggle with the LPs? Not trying to be condescending, but they’re pretty standard character interview stuff.

ITS FXCl83 Jan 16, 2019

"Make up a bullshit story"... ROFL