Tech IndustryFeb 26, 2020

Amazon SDE phone interview prep

Any tips on how to prep for an Amazon phone interview for an SDE role? Currently in a non-SWE role and looking to transition.

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CatDoN Feb 26, 2020

Had interview on DS. Not sure in SDE. I had 30 mins for LP. Maybe ask your recruiter for a prep call. They are helpful.

BAE Systems largedong Feb 26, 2020

LeetCode, and practicing for Leadership Principle questions. For LeetCode, one of the techniques that helped me the most was whiteboarding every question I did, making sure to work through them speaking out loud. Your neighbors might think you're crazy, but that's fine considering if you get the job you'll be using $100 bills as wallpaper. Also, a large portion of the time spent whiteboarding was designing my solution through pseudocode. Never start randomly yeeting out code with no plan beforehand.

Amazon nCRU27 Mar 4, 2020

You can coach yourself for coding or system design interviews by using this service.

Amazon nCRU27 Mar 4, 2020

They can help in mock interview