Tech IndustryAug 23, 2019

Amazon online coding assessment

What to expect in online coding assessment (graphs, DP, array, string)? Need to take it in a week. Also, how is Alexa Shopping Team?

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Rocket Lawyer tinynuts Aug 23, 2019

I got asked a question about finding the shortest path between two points in a 2D grid filled with obstacles. Write the time complexity too. Forgot the other question.

Credit Karma LCboy OP Aug 23, 2019

Nice. By any chance you remember 2nd question type? Was it string or graph or array question?

Rocket Lawyer tinynuts Aug 23, 2019

Array or string. (The easier of the two questions)

Autolist eFks14 Aug 23, 2019

I also got that shortest path problem. Got another question about string pattern matching and sorting with multiple levels.