Office LifeJan 26, 2020

Any chance getting a job in Sales/Marketing as a non-native English speaker?

Hi folks, I am currently working in sales team outside USA. I have plans to move to the US with my spouse who works in Tech. I have 10 years of sales/marketing experience and have been in top tier group for high performance consistently. As you can notice, I am not a native English speaker. Is there any chance I can find a job in Sales/Marketing in the US? I have plan to study at a business school (MBA) before starting my job search. Thank you in advance!

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Pfizer WaBI54 OP Jan 26, 2020

I have a valid work visa in US so no worry about the visa stuff.

Timcook650 Jan 26, 2020 is hiring in the bay area

Pfizer WaBI54 OP Jan 27, 2020

I am going to seattle area. Thank you anyway!

Uber +123456 Jan 26, 2020

Depends, how is your accent and ability to pick up cultural cues? Some people I can’t understand in which case you’d be limited to people who find that accent normal. Others have just enough accent that I can tell the didn’t grow up here, but it’s not an issue at all communicating. In that case I see no issue.

Forrester TsGv28 Jan 26, 2020

Eh, you get used to the way someone talks if you actually try to understand them. My colleagues in scotland & singapore were the hardest to understand at first, but after a month or so I was fine.

Uber +123456 Jan 26, 2020

Sales can be pretty heavily based on first impressions from the customers’ side. If they have a hard time with you, you don’t get a month. Past sourcing positions I worked in we refused to work with overseas suppliers that were really hard to understand in calls, and it wasn’t just me.

Facebook nebbie Jan 26, 2020

Depends on what kind of sales/marketing skills you have... many people have done it. But judging by the fact that you are asking this on blind, I’d assume it’d be a pretty junior role. MBA isn’t going to help you.

Pfizer WaBI54 OP Jan 27, 2020

I have more than 10 years of work experience. I am more like for a manager role in my home country. However, I understand that I need to start it from the entry level. I can think of it from the employer perspective!

Facebook nebbie Jan 29, 2020

You could start at a lower level and get promoted faster. But business English will be really important in non-tech FAANG roles for promotion etc. because for non-tech, it’s harder to measure and show impact, so I’ve seen that people who are outspoken tend to get favored even though their work isn’t great. I’m a non-native speaker too, and Jewish women with successful dads dominate in my team, from my experience. Because I suspect that they are good at playing politics and speaking well from their upbringing.

Forrester TsGv28 Jan 26, 2020

Absolutely - especially working for a global company. With 10YOE you may not even need to be creating content and instead be in a manager/strategy role.

Forrester TsGv28 Jan 26, 2020

FYI talking about mktg here

Pfizer WaBI54 OP Jan 27, 2020

My career is more focused on sales. Wish I had worked more in marketing. Thanks!