Anyone working in gaming on the analytics side?

Hi! I'm trying to gauge what level of audience exist on Blind who work in gaming, specifically dealing with analytics. Can be on the DS side or analysis and trying to understand the concentration e.g mostly from the Bay Area. I'm in Austin, working as an analytics mgr and manage F2P products and consumer research.

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Facebook Elbot Aug 18, 2017

Yeah I used to, as an analytics person for a year at a small social gaming company, then a year on the gaming platform of a big tech company. We're out there, but a lot of us get burnt out of gaming and look to switch into something more stable.

Wargaming USmB04 OP Aug 18, 2017

Burnt out because of the sprints or the push to hit KPIs?

Blippar anonymous_ Aug 19, 2017

I've done that big time. Then got aquired by a larger firm where politics was the shitz, so I left. Most bigger gaming companies suck when it comes to politics due to a large concentration of artists, entertainment producers etc., who tend to be relatively not that smart or logical (with exceptions of course, but generally), and don't grasp numbers that well, so they have to people-manipulate and power-grab to get ahead at higher levels. As an analytics manager, it will always be an uphill battle for you, unless you are just looking to coast. If you like that sort of crowd, happy for you. Otherwise, its a good idea to move into tech, where things are usually a bit more meritocratic and data driven. /end rant