Tech IndustryJul 12, 2019

Applying on company website works?

Or should i look for a referral? I feel like recruitors dont even read my application

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capuccino☕️ Jul 12, 2019

I applied online (no referral) for FB/Apple/Amazon and got responses. Didn't work with Google though 😂

YaBoiB Jul 12, 2019

It depends. They filter people.

s-works Jul 12, 2019

It worked for me

Amazon Vaporeon Jul 12, 2019

Referral better but online works also

GoDaddy goneCuckoo Jul 12, 2019

For me, none of the referrals worked but only online applications. It really depends on lots of factors right - job opening, your skills and whether they match (from a recruiter's perspective), etc. May be check your resume for keywords and make some improvements there.

Airbnb AirEveryWr Jul 24, 2019

For Airbnb , I got the reply next day and received offer letter within a week . In general though, I think it depends on team. Referral definitely helps but you can easily receive call without referral if you have strong profile . For F/G/others I generally get message on LinkedIn . No need to apply . If you do apply on company website, generally give 2-3 weeks for your profile to be picked up