Tech IndustryJan 14, 2019

Are Hedge Funds/ Trading firms good next steps from FB?

I’m at FB and I like it a lot but I’m curious as to what the best next steps are from FB. Im not looking to move yet (I’d like to reach E5 first most likely) but I don’t really want to work at Google because of what I’ve heard about promotion/career velocity as well as the slower paced environment. I have an interest in finance/trading and am wondering if hedge funds or prop shops are a good next step one day in terms of TC and career progression (I one day aspire to reach the director ranks wherever I may be). This would be as a SWE or possibly Quant SWE but not QR or Analyst. TC: 220k YOE: 2

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F5 Networks rfLu65 Jan 14, 2019

Become a day trader and write your quant tools if you can. You can make a lot of money if you’re actually good at maths and Algos

Facebook JahHab61 OP Jan 14, 2019

I’d imagine experience at these firms would be helpful in achieving this if it’s at all possible for me one day

F5 Networks rfLu65 Jan 14, 2019

I think you can learn inside strategies and then test them. It may not be huge career jump but eventually you maybe able to write algos from what you learned. I write some tools based on self learning and it’s fascinating on how much randomness is baked into it and it’s fun to try and predict patterns.

Credit Karma Creditcard Jan 14, 2019

I think it makes sense if you really really like C++.