
Are you interested in a guide to ISO?

I have dealt with NSO before, which are fairly straightforward when it comes to taxes. I’m now dealing with ISO, which I have discovered is not so straightforward. Having spent hours doing research and coming up with formulas on how to optimize exercising to avoid AMT, I found myself wishing there was an easier way to figure all of this out. If you have ISO, do you understand the tax implications? If not, would you like a single place to learn about it and some tools to plan your exercising and sales? #stock #iso #stockoptions #options #taxes

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Jet GgcE62 Jan 18, 2020


Microsoft travasty Jan 18, 2020

Carta is pretty solid in this regard of calculating taxes and shit for you

Intercom gjebshcje OP Jan 18, 2020

Yeah it’s pretty good, but it didn’t work so well for me because I didn’t know what to put for “income”. Is that pretax? Pre deduction? Pre above the line exemptions? I had to do a lot of research on what to put in there.

OpenTable Meliodas Jan 18, 2020

Yeah, the tool is called a CPA.

Intercom gjebshcje OP Jan 18, 2020

Haha, yeah you can throw a lot of money at the problem I suppose.