Tech IndustryFeb 13, 2020

Autodesk data analyst interview

Preparing for upcoming interview at Autodesk for Data Analyst role. Can someone please give advise and any details around what kind of questions I should expect. Any tips on this process would be appreciated!

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Autodesk vvsI66 Feb 14, 2020

Focus on your problem solving capabilities along with your storytelling skills (what can you extrapolate from the data). That from a soft skill basis. For hard skills, emphasize on the technical tools the hiring team is seeking (you can find that out from the JD for the most part). After demonstrating your abilities, ask meaningful questions that help you. It could be in regard to the team, the product outlook, growth, etc.

ranzy OP Feb 15, 2020

Thanks so much

Inmar cool it Aug 27, 2020

Hey how did your interview go? Any tips for interview prep for data analyst position? Thanks

Yahoo marchOnn Jan 21, 2021

How did it go? Can you please share the questions so we know the kind of questions get asked? Feel free to DM me if you don’t feel comfortable sharing here.