Tech IndustryFeb 13, 2020

Calming nerves during interview

2 weeks ago an offer I had got rescinded. That was the only offer I had. In the few past days, I have started frantically interviewing anywhere and everywhere. I have a h1b visa deadline in early March, which makes me very nervous. In recent interviews, I have gotten super nervous. As the stakes are so high if I fail. This anxiety is not good in interviews, I need to avoid it. Have you been in similar situation before? How did you deal with it?

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Facebook hddllllllm Feb 13, 2020

Beta blocker

Apple TryAgainn OP Feb 13, 2020

Can I get off the shelf?

Facebook hddllllllm Feb 13, 2020


Netflix jahdhdhd Feb 13, 2020

May I ask why you are leaving Apple?

Facebook hddllllllm Feb 13, 2020

Nosey Netflix

Apple TryAgainn OP Feb 13, 2020

I don’t work there anymore.

Continental x1x9x8x8 Feb 13, 2020

Been there... I usually listen to loud music before interview :P during interviews I usually keep a bottle of water near and keep on drinking just to take a pause... but thats mu strategy every1 has its own :D and dont worry you will make it :)

Noble dushejsn Feb 13, 2020

I highly recommend absolutely avoiding last minute revisions, that helped me!

Intuit rEpp28 Feb 13, 2020

Try exercising ... it helps me take the edge off. And practice your interviewing. If you feel prepared going in you’ll do better. Good luck

Head end Feb 13, 2020

Bro listen to me, this will work. Take a mega dose of L-theanine. A mega dose being 2-5 grams. That sh** will make you zen af. Improves focus greatly as well.

Facebook hddllllllm Feb 13, 2020

Wut dat?

Head end Feb 13, 2020

It’s an amino acid. It’s what’s found in tea.

Microsoft bihfitdd Feb 13, 2020

I’ll throw this out there, but it may not work for everyone. I confront the worst case scenario, and make a plan for how I will deal with it (Life always goes on, whether you’re happy or not), and somehow that lifts the pressure off of me. Another thing I do (but this is an all the time thing, not only during stress) is to remind myself to only focus on what I can do right now, and not on any other thing outside my control. This includes outcomes. Both of these are cognitive tricks. You can also work on your overall health and state of mind. Force yourself to get rest, sleep, exercise, nonwork relaxation etc. no matter how urgent the situation, self care is necessary and constant sprints won’t improve your chances.

Facebook hddllllllm Feb 13, 2020

This is great in theory but I recommend drugs, which actually work ;)

Microsoft bihfitdd Feb 13, 2020

Good luck. The body has a way of dealing with unexpected amounts of new stuff, that may in the longer term work out to your severe disadvantage. Besides which one strategy doesn’t necessarily preclude the other. Always get your basics right before reaching for extra support. And these work for me so it’s not “theory” :)

Walmart kaleen_b Feb 13, 2020

OP - Was it a verbal offer or written offer? Also, was that from Apple or the potential company? Good luck, mate!

Apple TryAgainn OP Feb 13, 2020

No it was verbal offer, no it wasn’t from Apple

Walmart kaleen_b Feb 13, 2020

Good luck and keep at it. You'll get there. Maybe start interviewing at companies that you thought were "easy".

Facebook BabaYagah Feb 13, 2020

Deep breaths. Breathe in on a four-count. Hold for a four-count. Exhale on a four-count. As much as you can, on bus/lyft/ to interview. While waiting in the lobby. While waiting between interviewers. Also, take your time before answering the question, gather your thoughts ask clarifying questions and give yourself time to shine. Don't rush your answers. Your anxiety will make you feel like you have to get the answers out right away and you are more likely to trip over your tongue and get more tied up in knots. So breathe, take your time and if necessary, ask the interviewer to clarify the question. Also in the time when you are being escorted to the room, if the interviewer makes small talk, join in, laugh try to break the ice a little bit as it gets rid of nervous energy. Another thing people practice lc a lot but don't really practice articulating their ideas out loud at a whiteboard/screen, and get stuck in their heads. Try not to let it get too quiet. Even if you just say what you are thinking out loud don't just fall silent because interviewer can help out with prompts if necessary but can't do anything if you go quiet. Good luck

Apple TryAgainn OP Feb 13, 2020

This is insanely useful. I can’t thank you enough.

Facebook BabaYagah Feb 13, 2020

No worries hope it goes well for you.

Carta xsiM08 Feb 14, 2020

I glass of wine never hurt nobody. It helped me A LOT. I usually go for half a glass 40 to 30 minutes before the interview and I take my time drinking and enjoying it.

Oracle hrbedug Feb 14, 2020

Interesting tip. Do you feel that your cognitive performance is negatively impacted?