Tech IndustryMay 20, 2019

Career Advice : Stay in Current Team or Leave?

TL; DR - Well Meaning Manager, but creates a very stressful work environment when stressed. I’m 2 years into my role (PM 2 - L62, YOE-2), been promoted every yearly cycle. Well meaning manager, advocates for me, gives me impactful and challenging projects. Great person most times; catch is when stressed propagates a stressful environment down and refuses to listen or convey accurately what is needed. Busy all the time and almost no time to discuss work issues, or my career. So now my question to you fam is what do I do? Please add comments too; sharing your thoughts. Option 1 - Continue at current team. Suck it up. This is the real world. You’re not in college anymore. Option 2 - Move internally. Option 3 - interview outside. Will this work? Will I get hired as a PM with 2 yoe? Most entry level jobs require 3+. Googl low balled me with an APM offer as I was 2 years within graduation. I feel as a candidate high promo velocity and L62; I should be offered atleast an L3 if not L4. Appreciate your advice. Thanks in Advance. TC - 200k

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Amgen Fin4eng May 20, 2019

I honestly don’t understand your concern other than it’s a stressful work environment at times and your manager doesn’t always have time for you

yearnle OP May 20, 2019

That’s precisely my concern. You Don’t think it’s valid?

Amgen Fin4eng May 20, 2019

You’ll find that in every job at times. You aren’t calling out anything specific or prolonged that would make this is a major concern. You probably just need another mentor or senior who can give you guidance when your boss is stressed and busy so you are able to continue to be productive and removed from your boss’ stress