Tech IndustryJan 2, 2019

Coast FIRE age

What is your target coast FIRE age? “Coast FIRE” also applies to followers with a part-time job, but these proponents do have enough saved to fund their retirement and current living expenses.

Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)
180 Participants
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Move JUvY31 Jan 2, 2019

What's the difference between barista fire and coast fire?

Facebook QIXQ16 Jan 2, 2019

Coastfire would be still using your existing skillset and experience. Baristafire is the idea of downlevelling to a skill-less job that requires near-0 expertise, often retail, but still offers health insurance and/or other benefits. Baristafire is a bit of a pipedream because those no-skill jobs can still be stressful to keep, even more incompetent line managers, and often little actual control over when your working hours are.

Google NBwU26 Jan 2, 2019

>50 is just regular retirement, not FIRE !

Salesforce :q! Jan 2, 2019

Last I checked, retirement age in the US is 67 and 62 is an early retirement. I do agree that 67 > 50.

Google NBwU26 Jan 7, 2019

Well technically yes. But it's like winning the participation trophy. Yes you completed the race, but dint come close to showing any real skill.