
Compensation Details Help!

I got positive feedback from management for a Data Engineer role and they want to proceed with an offer. I am also keen to move as I see good growth and learning in this team. They are asking for my current compensation and RSU information. They said they base offers on current market research, internally comparable salaries and my expectations. My issue is I joined Amazon when stock was low so my compensation is actually inflated now. I explained this but the recruiter said I still need to provide expectations otherwise we are stuck. I see a long term there so am okay if my current comp is matched even, but I am worried if I quote too high they wont proceed. What do I do? I am in the UK.

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Splunk dCXW10 Feb 18, 2020

Depends on if you are willing to take a pay cut or not. At least say what you earn now and ask if they can match

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 18, 2020

That’s what I was thinking. Base they can definitely match my current. It is the stock that is an issue.

Google C0d3h4rd Feb 18, 2020

Quote your old salary plus 20% they worst they can say is no. Then you can ask how high can they go. This is why it’s called salary NEGOTIATION. Don’t sell yourself short because of fear. You already have an offer, use that leverage.

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 18, 2020

The issue is if I quote too high they won’t proceed with the offer I think. I asked them to share their banding. And then I can confirm if it’s okay for me. But they said they can’t do this.

Salesforce mahomes Feb 18, 2020

Nothing wrong in giving your expectation, if they cannot match they will come with numbers that works for them

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 18, 2020

They said once they get the sign off, and if it’s below my expectation, it’s hard to go back and ask for more as then they find it difficult to say why didn’t you ask for the expectation originally.

Salesforce mahomes Feb 18, 2020

You are not asking more. See what they come up and if that is good for you. I wouldn’t take a big pay cut even if it is going to be exciting. Market is full of openings and you will find one if not this

Verizon Media HG10TW Feb 18, 2020

I am so glad that in California this practice of asking about current salary is against the law now. It really shouldn’t matter; what matters is what you request as compensation. Hopefully, they will introduce similar laws in Europe. But to your point, can’t you say something like “My previous compensation is personal and I’d rather not disclose it, but based on my experience in X, I’d like my new compensation to be between Y and Z” (where Y is your desired salary)

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 18, 2020

I think it’s not legal in the UK. Hence I’m surprised by this. Also I am not sure what Y and Z should be given I don’t know the rates in the market outside of tech (I’ve always worked in tech only).

Verizon Media HG10TW Feb 18, 2020

Ah, okay. In that case, how about something like “I am confident that you will propose a fair compensation based on my qualifications”. I have never tried this myself, but read that sometimes it may work. The recruiter may insist, but I doubt that he or she would walk away from a good candidate just because they didn’t provide a salary range. In particular since you said that in the UK, they are not allowed to ask the candidate about previous compensation. The California law also obliges the recruiter to disclose the salary range when asked. Maybe you can check if the law is similar in the UK?

DaVita nhaQ65 Feb 18, 2020

You need to determine what your TC number needs to be. The factors playing into this would be current TC, what would be the TC (4yrs) from now and opportunity cost of current job. At the end of the day, if this is really as good as an opportunity you believe, you have to determine what additional gain or loss to future earning are you willing to accept

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 18, 2020

Yeah it’s just tricky as I see a range of figures for my skill set etc.

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 18, 2020

Anyone know a realistic comp range for a London based DE at a bank?

Microsoft Erica Feb 24, 2020

Did you get an offer? I am in a same situation - Chase recruiter asked for comp number and RSU. It’s been 8 - 10 days since our last call and the recruiter is ghosting me.

Amazon gYLH88 OP Feb 24, 2020

They are getting it internally approved but idk the numbers yet. I just told them honestly my comp and RSUs.