CompensationJul 15, 2018

Compensation in crypto?

I have an offer from a company with the option to get paid in crypto (all or part). This doesn't seem to be the most crypto-friendly forum, but for those that aren't anti-, what are your thoughts? Outside of the friction, txn fees, etc associated with just buying the coins myself, what are the advantages of getting paid in crypto?

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Lyft metafoo Jul 15, 2018

Unless you think coins are going up and you can avoid paying taxes (illegally) on gains then nothing

Google ccrest OP Jul 15, 2018

That's the impression I have as well. Not interested in trying to cheat the mafia I mean the IRS so that's not motivation for me

Affirm jai89 Jul 15, 2018

I think there is a tax advantage. Which company

Google ccrest OP Jul 15, 2018

I'm going to accept the offer, so to preserve anonymity, I'd rather not say. (Small world out here...)

Affirm jai89 Jul 15, 2018


Oscar tc/gtfo Jul 15, 2018

I was going to be sarcastic since you work for Google, this is either a troll post or you are bored with your work. People didn’t in Bitcoin and those who did turn into millions or even billionaires. Then now the crypto market has crashed and is lingering, who knows. But can crypto pays your bill today? And which crypto coin? “ElonMask space fitness gym coin?” How about: one bitcoin per paycheck and the rest $$?

Google ccrest OP Jul 15, 2018

Not trolling. Google is fine, but I'm more suited to a different environment and am very motivated by what's happening with blockchain tech.

Google ccrest OP Jul 15, 2018

And yes, I'd do something conservative, where I wouldn't miss the cash. I'd think of it sort of as (very high risk) 401k

eBay BayAreaSux Jul 15, 2018


innovatorx Jul 15, 2018

Why take a risk? Take usd, you don’t want to end up on a list somewhere

Twitch FUI Jul 15, 2018

Regardless of future value, don’t ignore liquidity

Google ccrest OP Jul 15, 2018

True, very true. Especially since it will be taxed like regular income AFAIK