Credit Score.

What is the lowest your score has been? What is it now and what did you do to greatly increase it.? Current score: 658 College student :(

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Oracle Adidas11 Dec 3, 2019

615, from back when I was in my mid to late 20’s. I think this was just a function of not having a lot of credit, plus a late payment on a car I leased back then. Over the years, my credit improved to high 700’s and when I bought my first condo at the age of 40. Right now, my FICO Experian score is 843

ON Semiconductor chip_monk OP Dec 3, 2019

Holy cow that’s high...

Oracle Adidas11 Dec 3, 2019

Yeah, I’m a bit surprised by it as well. My Vantage 2.0 scores are 804 and 800 depending on the credit rating agency. Maybe FICO and Experian are being more generous for me.

ash_ketch Dec 3, 2019

660 was my lowest ever. I increased it by opening a shit ton of credit cards over the next year but not use them except for a couple bucks here and there, while paying least the minimum each month. Its around 740 right now. But this should go without saying: fix your habits first before you open new accounts lol

ON Semiconductor chip_monk OP Dec 3, 2019

Would you advice i do the same to increase mine? I graduate in a year and I want to get it up before I enter the real world

ash_ketch Dec 3, 2019

I'd only suggest this if you already have a steady credit history so can take thethe initial inquiries' hits but then by increasing total open credit line and lowering total usage in the next months to come. Like 40% of a credit score is credit card utilization so either open more to decrease usage or keep what you have just stop using it completely. Control your spending. Don't close accounts unless they have a yearly fee. Its better to keep them open and just charge it here and there on gas or something to keep activity on it and pay it in full each time you charge it.

Amazon SmkWdEvyDy Dec 3, 2019

Lowest I ever remember was like 720 maybe. At 750 now. It's been pretty consistently in that range as long as I can remember.

Facebook public2 Dec 3, 2019

Never been low. Like many, parents added me to their accounts as a teenager so I inherited their credit history. I have 10+ more years credit history than I have been alive. Do this if you can; easy way to jumpstart the benefits of great credit. If you cannot or your parents don't trust you then get a cc and request a limit increase every 6 months and aim to keep your utilization under 15%.

United States Marine Corps TiCV34 Dec 3, 2019

You’re good. I was 574. In 8 months I upped it to 658 now. Still rising Download credit karma app actually helped to monitor it weekly. Also disputing questionable bad marks got them removed. Otherwise just pay and be patient. Use the app to monitor credit % used and keep it dropping.

Amazon XNkg45 Dec 3, 2019

640, when I first opened a CC

Facebook pottymouth Dec 3, 2019

640 after I graduated from college and couldn’t pay bills

Northrop Grumman anon0110 Dec 15, 2019

About 560. Since I had credit card debt the only solution was to pay it off over time and debt to max debt ratio went down. It can take years to pay off debt. Take it from me, don't use credit that you can't pay in full when it's due. The score was too low for debt consolidation. Credit score sites tell you why it's bad.